Writing a Eulogy

A eulogy is normally read at the funeral of a deceased person.  It normally starts with the chronological events of the deceased persons life, and can include an interesting personal outline, with some comments on general character, achievements, travel, hobbies, social interests, clubs, associations, names of close friends, amusing anecdotes, surviving family members and thanks. […]

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There are levels and layers in all things.  Eg. Levels of the field are just the layers of the auric.  There are levels in learning, which indicate the stepping stones from one layer to another. Eg. Kindergarten, Primary, High, TAFE, College, University. Confusion can often occur from your perspective and another’s viewpoint.  It could be […]

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Finding your way

Finding your way doesn’t happen in the shadow of another.  Whether it be your mother, father, sister or brother, or your mentor, teacher, guide or another.  As a child we need to follow to learn, and as the adolescent we need a mentor or guide.  Yet as the adult, to find your way, each needs […]

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