Be Creative

Art is a fun way to express.  It can be an emotion, a thought, an affirmation, a key to your subconscious ..what would you choose?  Remember creation can have ripple effect, so reflect out what you would like returned.  Check out this Mandala or a re-purposing your visionboard.

Are you ready to:  stimulate your creativity; be inspired to be creative; know that everyone can and does create; become the creator healer that you are; and dream your highest life into being.

Creative flow happens during stillness. If sharonmcl has a project in mind, and gets stuck, she releases it, and inspiration then comes to her in flashes. It may come through dreams, visions, feelings, hearing, or just suddenly knowing it.  Be inspired.


What are YOU willing to do?  sharonmcl’s  handbook, “Wounded to Wow - A path to oneness” offers Parts1-4 with 100 exercises of potential ways, and is available in digital and softcover through most book distributors and the publisher Balboa Press a divison of Hayhouse.  When you are ready for more sharonmcl is currently writing Parts5-9 with more exercises in the next version “The Probability of Wow - living in oneness”.  Currently only available in 3day live online retreat events, after completing a ‘live’ Part4. on Facebook