Gunas and Doshas….what the?

The belief in yoga is there are three types of gunas or energies – balanced (sattva), aggressive (rajas) or inert (tamas).  It is through external influences that we can shift from the balanced energies that are internal, to the pendulum of aggressive or inert.  Happiness or balance is internal not external, and that internal focus moves […]

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Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a wonderful tool that can be used to capture a train of thought.  This can be used for classes, workshops, seminars or just in your personal life to really lay out your thoughts.  It is a simple technique that can easily be mastered.  You begin with a focus.  Then you just add […]

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Life Purpose your Mission Statement

Have you ever asked the question: who am I?  Then you are in good company, as most people will ask that question at some point in their life.  Who you are and what you represent is your vision of that “who am I” question.  It is worth taking the time to reflection on your vision, […]

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.