Highest Guides & Angels

What is a guide?  Someone whom assists a traveller to reach an unknown or unfamiliar destination; offer points of interest, showing a path, advising or giving counsel in both practical or spiritual ways, and can be a mentor. We all have angels and guides, always call upon the highest.  It just depends if you are communicating […]

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The next stage – Living in Oneness

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The first time I invited unicorns into my life, was when I did my first totem animal reading back in 1992.  I had a strong call to invite the unicorns in as one of my totems, as a symbol of messengers of love.

The unicorn energy is from a higher dimension.  Some believe mythical, some believe on a different dimension, some believe they were a part of the last golden age and ascended.  Whatever you believe, focus on the fact that they are a symbol of messengers of love.

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