Your highest self

What does your highest self mean to you?  Is it that part of you that is more connected to the higher levels of energy?  Is it that part of you that guides you to your highest purpose? Sharon believes that you can clear, open, align and stay connected to your highest self, through simple processes, […]

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Is ‘ego’ a dirty word? Or just a way for the conscious to be reminded of the paradox, that we are unique, yet we are one.  Sharon first had a client talk about wishing to kill the ego in the 90s.  At the time, Sharon held space and allowed this person to shift the pain […]

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What is teaching? It is the transfer of knowledge to a student. A great teacher will know their students so well, that they will impart the knowledge through all senses to connect to all students. Sharon believes there is a fine line between teaching and training, and there are similarities within coaching and guiding. It […]

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.