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Protected: Intuitive Health

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Wounded to Wow – A path to oneness by sharonmcl

Wounded to Wow is a guide and exercise book which can be used by an individual, working at the pace that is ‘right’ for the individual. If the reader chooses to do all 100 exercises they will navigate their way through their foundational journey, integrate then expand, to find their calling and ultimately their evolutionary journey. This book also acts as a reference point for sharonmcl clients/students to use specific exercises for specific purposes. Sharonmcl can offer refinement of the exercises within classes, workshops or retreats, where this book then becomes the handbook. This book is an inspirational jump off point for each individual to find their path to oneness. The story doesn’t end here, it begins with the choices of the reader.

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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.