There is energy, & there’s ENERGY

I’ve always had an awareness of energy, yet I didn’t understand it; and no one else seemed to notice.  If I lay my hands on people I have always felt and seen visions.  In my 20s I started questioning and seeking answers.  I have had many teachers, some I was guided to work with for a time, some for a purpose, some I thought I could assist, others were because I was already doing what they taught I just didn’t know how I knew or could do it; and I thought they did; and also for community of like-minded.  I am thankful, grateful, blessed for all teachers, as all are students too, myself included; and whatever big or small part they played, and some still play in my journey I know all is granted by a bigger picture.

In 1995, I received my first initiation into a Reiki Master of the Usui System of Natural Healing – Usui Shiki Ryoho by Faye Matthews, having completed 1 in 92, & 2 in 93.  I had meditated on why I chose Faye, as I was questioning if she had “the answers”. I used automatic writing to connect to the highest, and received the message that she was a way to the answers I was seeking, and we had had a past life together, that’s why I was drawn; and it was ok.  In my master initiation at 5 to midnight on a full moon, we sat on the rocks overlooking sunshine beach, was magical and it was physically painful as the energy moved through my sacral area, it was like the kundalini energy was creating new pathways.  When Faye recommended Ranga, as she was training with him, I was initially resistant.  I sort training in America with Orin&Daben channeled Awakening your light body; which gave me more answers on the overview of energy.  However, in 1999 I completed a Masters in Usui Shin Kai Reiki Jin Kei Do & a 3rd stage Masters in EnerSense (Buddho) system of natural healing with Ranga, and these initiations were blissful and gave me a new awareness of just being.

I have also studied with many other teachers of energy; including Denise Linn, Caroline Myss, Mette Sorresnsen, Doreen Virtue, Sonia Choquette, Jo Dunning, Deborah King, Rita Z , Judy Satori, James Van Pragh, Diana Cooper, Tim Whild, David Essery and numerous others.

For me, it’s amazing to observe the changing energies and how “these days” the energies are much quicker, stronger, brighter and can shift you much more quickly if you choose.  The biggest difference is your intent and choice.  I suggest, choose the highest for the highest good and nothing else; and always with ease and grace.  Blessings be. sharonmcl


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