Ongoing Messages



Creation – Whatever you create, you can uncreated or recreate.  We were designed to be creative.  We have forgotten the power of manifestation through focus.  How many times have you heard the words “where your thoughts go, energy flows”.

I feel empathy and compassion for those creating what they don’t want.  Yet energetically we are no longer children, we need to be responsible for our actions or our creations.  We can still hold the eyes of innocence, yet we need to rise to understand the whole story.  “With great power comes responsibility.”  Be mindful of your creations, be mindful what you allow yourself to be drawn into.  All is choice, then creation.  Choose wisely with compassion, and joy & happiness in your heart.


This year for me is about being the awakened mystic. These inspired words came to me, to be shared. 🙏💗🙏blessings be. sharonmcl



Bring it to a higher level!  All things viewed from a higher point, look and feel different.  Sometimes we don’t have the whole story.  Sometimes more pieces need to unfold.  Ask Ganesha to remove all obstacles for you to be able to see and feel the higher level.  Make it so!


Words repeated “changing of the guard”.  Upgrades and becoming renewed.  This is coming mid February.



At the moment key points that I’m hearing repeated by many:
– breathe into and open your heart
– let your heart/soul guide you
– call in the highest light
– ground the highest light
– all for the highest good with ease & grace!
What are you hearing repeatedly?


Wow amazing energies at the moment.  As the energies are shifting now so rapidly it’s important to remodulate and reground the higher level.

Amazing experiences.  Higher guidance is strong at the moment if you listen (or choose to see, hear, feel or know).  I have many examples in the past couple of weeks of being guided and given clear messages about everyday life things.  Using your skills just makes life flow with ease & grace.

Remember in this month of gratitude: follow your own inner knowing, ask & release, and be thankful for the highest for the highest good with ease & grace.

27 Oct 2023

Yes a big monadic (higher/divine) shift since the 22nd.  Some of the older energies just don’t seem “right” any more.  I’ve also noticed a shift in our ascendant masters, their energies have shifted too.

27 September

For the month of October connect everyday to your highest, whatever that means to you.  What does connecting mean to you? To me, connection happens when you are still, and focussed on the highest. This can occur in prayer, meditation or a silent gentle walk in nature.  Journal in the month of October – What does my highest, my soul, my divine want me to know? (See, hear, feel or know)

Remember it’s a choice.  All that doesn’t resonate with your inner truth, let it fade.  Focus on all that does resonate for the highest good & intent with ease & grace.  You have free will & choice always. Why I’m suggesting this practice is because the energies are perfect for connecting to your highest in October.  

14 June

I have experienced ancestry healing many times, as I believe that is apart of the reason I am here. Every time I do it, it unfolds more beautifully. I have found so many answers in this type of process. Sometimes you/I/we have been apart of our ancestral line in past life’s and are here now to clear it. Just a thought, as I know I am not the only one. May many blessings flow to all.
Also I believe if your intent is pure you can do this with your favourite aunt (uncle) that had no children, as they are apart of your bloodline. Or others with their permission. Always for the highest good and intent with ease and grace.🙏💗🫧💗🙏 bubbles of love & joy rippling out to all. Feel the ripple. Be the ripple. Thankful, grateful, blessed, so be it, so you/I/we let it be.🙏

5 May

Inspired words this morning 5th May 2023 “Remember: every change in you is the potential for a new higher version of you! You are upgrading!!!” Inspired words by sharonmcl.

2 March

REMEMBER:  where your energy goes, energy flows.  With these higher energies coming through, more important than ever to focus on what you love, with the highest good and intent.  

24 February

The call to light workers!  Whatever you have healed within yourself and your lineage, now you are being ask to heal more expanded into the theme of your healing throughout earthly consciousness.  For example:  if you have healed “abandonment” within yourself & lineage, now expand this healing into the oneness of all that is earthly consciousness releasing these lower energies and lifting to higher universal, cosmic & galactic consciousness.  So be it, and so you, I & we let it be.

03 February 

This is posted here as there is a message for others within this “Wow DAY 2 into 3 very active dreams in light work. I called in assistance from the highest to assist to release an anchored consciousness of teenagers connected to their navel chakra, old system to release, reconnect all to higher self for awakening. Dissolving an old black box in the centre of Oz, and another on the east coast. How can the teenager contribute to a better way of peace, love & light. Some adults are still connected into these old consciousness levels too. Time to break free, and rise above. I woke up with a sentence ”there’s work to do”.

I know this detox and reset is for me, yet it seems there is a ripple affect. Yes this dream of light work could be detoxing & release for me from old consciousness, yet it felt bigger.

How can it get better than this! Bring on day 3. I started with sitting in my medicine wheel & drawing cards in meditation for me & my service. Found the cards in NZ recently “Mandala Healing Oracle”. For me – 37 TuneIn For my service – 40 Unknown (meditating on this I received a new cloak – gold collar with multicoloured cape). How can it get better than that? 🙏💗🙏 blessings be.”

03 January

We are limitless, it’s time we remembered. 
Remember where your thought flow energy goes.  Only focus on what you wish to energise.



12th September, 2022

Remember what you have signed up for, it’s your mission.
When transmuting collective energies you don’t bring it into your body, you work with it outside your field. Keep your energies high. The highest for the highest good.
Remember, shields up. Transmute that which is not high.  Shift to the highest, don’t limit yourself, be limitless, be ageless.

28th July 2022

New moon New Intentions – time to focus on the positive

Shift the negative through – bubbles of light, letting go, doing as much as able, be yourself, rise above, break free, know, and be guided.

30th June 2022

It currently seems important to awaken the “starseeds”.  As a starseed you will handle the everyday differently, with a greater calm and peace.  Your energies will automatically rise above the 3D as you awaken.  In this moment, as a starseed, you can immediately balance your life in any area of your choosing.  Remember… remember… remember… this message will touch those that are starseeds.  This message is encoded with light language.

Awaken… remember… be the peace and harmony that you are… be the greater calm and peace… be in the light of ease and grace… be the greater love and compassion…. be the wisdom and solution…. Be all that you can be… it’s time.. it’s time… it’s time… breathe and awake.

Meditate and breathe, drink water and begin to journal.  Your message is within your own encoding.

If there is more to be said, it will be said, if not, may peace be with you.  Blessings be, sharonmcl


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