Intermittent Fasting (IF) is it for YOU?

Years ago if you went on a fast, it meant you didn’t eat.  Now it has changed so much.  It is now more about the window you choose for eating and the healthy choices you make in that window.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the 5:2.  Why?  I find the calorie limit too low in the week, and then on weekends I just wanted to indulge.  I prefer the window each day.

So far I’ve tried the 12:12, 14:10, and now 16:8.  I’ve never been a breakfast person, so not eating between 6pm and 10am works for me.  I find this 8hr window gives me the choice to try new recipes and new workouts.

There are a variety of apps available.  Most have in-house fees.  Most offer some form of support.  I always try different options prior to recommending so I can speak from firsthand experience.  Any questions, ask.

Personally, I am enjoying the 16:8 at the moment, as I seem to savour what I do eat more, and in the past 10days of IF I feel more energetic.  The side benefit is a shift in weight.

Here is a challenge.  Find your window!

UPDATE: If 16:8 is not for you. Don’t cheat yourself, change your window. When it’s a lifestyle whatever window you choose should be doable. So maybe you need to do 14:10 for awhile, and then move back to 16:8 when ready. Headaches can be caffeine related or lack of water. Hunger is a process when cutting back your window of eating. The quality of your food is important too. You will find your way. I’m into day18 of 28 and I think it gets easier currently still doing 16:8. I have lost 3kg and have experienced headaches, hunger and sleep challenges. I seem to loose every 6days at the moment. My next challenge will be travel, “how to maintain your window when on the go”. Also with family, how will I go when surrounded by family that don’t do the 16:8. Take each day as it comes, be real, and focus on what you CAN do. Food for thought. Your body, your choice.

Things you can become aware of, when listening to your body. For me, sugar cravings often means a need for protein on a physical level. However, cravings can also be connected to our emotions and thoughts. E.g. my grandmother use to give me jelly babies. It was a reward and nurturing. Once you realise the connection, you create other ways to reward and nurture instead of sugar. This is just my example. Find what it means to you.🌟


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