Life Purpose your Mission Statement

Have you ever asked the question: who am I?  Then you are in good company, as most people will ask that question at some point in their life.  Who you are and what you represent is your vision of that “who am I” question.  It is worth taking the time to reflection on your vision, purpose, values and principles, as these will define what you manifest within your life.

How do you know what is your “life purpose”?  It is generally what you are most passionate about; and where you see yourself heading in the bigger picture.  Some say you are born with a life colour.  Sharon have observed this life colour, but has also observed that in major life events it can change or more colour can be added.  Just as you are born with certain numerology, and when you change your name, this can change the influencing energy to a certain degree.

Your life purpose then builds on who you are and your vision to describe, what and where your passion lies to be and do your mission.  What you value, will become your main concerns. How you will fulfil your vision and mission will become your principles.

How you can create your mission statement – What are you doing and aiming to do on a daily basis? What do you perceive yourself to be?  What are you passionate about?  Where do you see (feel or hear or know) yourself in the bigger picture?  Start writing!!!

For example:

Sharon is highly creative and passionate about expressing her creativity on a daily basis.  She enjoys offering ideas, finding solutions, and believes that anything is possible.  She perceives herself as artistic, transformative, innovative, inspirational, resourceful, adaptable, intuitive, visionary, wise, and empowering,

She values health, happiness, relationships, energy, compassion, integrity, authenticity, sacredness, flow, balance and highest good.  In the bigger picture, Sharon believes her life purpose is to assist in the evolution of humanity for the highest good.

A potential mission statement then becomes:  I am creative essence that flows and connects with the highest good in all things.  I radiate empowerment for all to connect with their true essence.  I awaken and ignite potentials and possibilities, assisting all to evolve and transform to the highest good.  May all be happy, healthy and find sacred balance.

Everything has a purpose.  The purpose for this website was to unite all the parts of sharonmcl into one website.  So the mission statement then becomes:  sharonmcl ignites the inspiration you need to awaken your potentials and possibilities for the highest good through being welcomed, be creative, be energetic,  be all that you can be,  be connected, and be reflective.

“2024, This coming year for sharonmcl comes with a feeling of the awakened mystic, that alchemises for the highest good & intent with ease & grace. The words came to sharonmcl: “I am the crystalline tower. I am the Rose Gold Light Codes. I am the awakened mystic. I AM that I AM.” I created a mandala for the coming year.“ Blessings be. sharonmcl


original 2013, last updated 2023



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