Learning to love, again

When we experience the loss of a loved one, often the first thing we do is protect our heart.  It hurts, and we don’t want that to happen again.  So how can we find the way to learn to love, again.  (Reflect  on Challenging Emotions; the challenging change, loss; and the emotion we often avoid…grief)

Learning to love again, is a process.  It normally begins when YOU are ready to heal.  This can be a unique time frame for each individual.  Things to know:

– YOU can heal – through energy work, sharing your grief with a compassionate ear, a new pet and or project.

– YOU can choose to heal, as a quick as feels right for you.  Ways to do this;  process your grief or broken heart in healthy ways (eg. Exercise, breath, meditation, counselling, coaching etc)

– When YOU are ready, you need to be open.

– Remember to seek professional medical assistance, if needed.

– Remember there is no shame in asking for help, and effectiveness is the truth of measure (Use what works for YOU)

A short meditation – Sit upright, in a quiet and safe space, call in your highest ascendant master to assist to clear, heal and open your heart centre.  Sit in quiet meditation, as you allow the safety from the highest archangels, and beings of the highest light to assist you, right NOW.  Breathe and feel, see, hear and know the shift.  blessings be.

Originally posted 2015, still valid 2022.

Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthdays, Christmas, New Year and all celebrations can be a challenging time.  Be gentle with yourself.  Remember the joys.🙏💗🙏. Make more joyous moments.💗


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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.