Why we do the things we do?

Have you ever asked yourself, why you do the things that you do?  Is it by choice?  Is it by a sequence of events? Or is there a divine plan underneath the things you do or we do?

Often in retrospect it is easier to see a pattern.  Things to ask yourself.

Have I experienced this before?

If yes, what was the outcome?  What was the lesson?  Have you learnt it yet?  In retrospect, what was the original event?

If no, is this a new pattern?  What is the lesson?  Have you learnt it yet?  Would you choose to create it again?

Do you wait for signs or symbols, before choosing a direction?

Do you rush in where angels fear to tread?

Do you hold back?

When you are aware of why, how, when, where, and what for, you do the things you do, you have reached enlightenment.

There is a parable (a story of meaning) that goes something like this:

A student asked his master, “when will I receive enlightenment”.  His master replied, “when you entered the room, where did you place your umbrella, on the right or left side of your shoes.”.  The student, got upset, “why does it matter where I place my umbrella?”  The master sighed, and took a deep breathe, “because when you have awareness in all things, then you will have achieved enlightenment”.  The message – awareness of awareness is the path to enlightenment.

Why do you do the things you do?


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