
The first time I invited unicorns into my life, was when I did my first totem animal reading back in 1992.  I had a strong call to invite the unicorns in as one of my totems, as a symbol of messengers of love.

I went through a stage in the late 90s into the 00s of gifting unicorns statues to people that spirit told me would benefit. Then I painted them on my shop window in 2002-3. The next version that came through was 2009-2011 where I taught meditation and took people on journeys to the unicorns.  There was a series I videoed called “The way of the unicorn”.

Then in 2012 in Sedona, USA I went on a quest to meet fairies through the vortex, and lost my group, and morphed into a past version of myself and meet a beautiful unicorn and a Pegasus horse. This was unlike anything I had experienced before, as they were holographic, and it took me on a 2hr physical journey.  It was after this I believed I was to write a book, I doubted it would be accepted, so I put it on hold.

In 2014 I had a baby unicorn meet me in my dream state and he began to sleep beside my bed, who told me his name was “Samuel”.  He then started to grow up and suggested I write a children’s book, which I did.  However, again I felt the energies were moving too rapidly and felt that the book would be outdated.  I am currently updating it now.

In the meantime in 2018 I rewrote my other big book spirit gifted me, that I started in 2003 as 3parts, and in 2018 it became 4parts. It went to print in 2019.  “Wounded to Wow – a path to oneness“  In March 2020 in NZ I received a download of an outline of Parts5-9 for online “The probability of Wow – Living in Oneness”. 

In the UK in 2019 I had enjoyed connecting with the Merlin and angel energy in England, the dragon energy in Wales, and the unicorn energy in Scotland.  The Isle of Skye was amazing.  Now in 2020 I have been studying via online and reconnecting to the Druids, deities of the Celts and Ireland.

The unicorn energy is from a higher dimension.  Some believe mythical, some believe on a different dimension, some believe they were a part of the last golden age and ascended.  Whatever you believe, focus on the fact that they are a symbol of messengers of love.

If you would like to connect with their energy, you may choose to do so in meditation.  Below is an excerpt from my book – “Samuel, the unicorn – children’s meditations and dreams” by sharonmcl. (Currently being updated ©️sharonmcl2020)

A Beginning Meditation

If you have never meditated before then this should be your first meditation to see how you see, hear, feel and know during the meditation.

Simply meditation is a quiet time to sit, to connect with that higher part of yourself.

If you choose Samuel, the unicorn can be your meditation guide. Samuel is of the highest light and for the highest good.

You are surrounding and supported by your own guardian angels, check with them if it is ok.

Sit in a comfortable position, either in a chair or on the floor with your legs comfortable crossed. Keep your back straight, and let your hands just rest in your lap. Feel your breath, as you breathe in through your nose, and out through your nose….in through your nose, and into your lungs…..and out of your lungs and nose. With each breath feel your everyday worries just releasing on the outward breathe. Count your breaths in 1 out 1, in 2 out 2, in 3 out 3, in 4 out 4, in 5 and out 5….continue breathing deeply and fully. Samuel is gently touching your forehead, the space between your eyes, he is stimulating your imagination …..imagine you can feel Samuel with you, and imagine your guardian angels with you too. Would you like to imagine that you can climb onto Samuels back and he can take you on a journey. Your angels assist you. Samuel has a long mane so you can hold on tight. Are you ready?

Off you trot, as you hold on tight Samuel is travelling a little faster, moving through a rainbow. Can you see all the colours? Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Sky Blue, Indigo, Violet, and White. Choose a colour…how does it feel for you? If you don’t like how it feels, choose a colour that feels like joy? Imagine that colour fills you with joy. Or maybe you can hear the colours, each has a sound, each like a note on the piano. Let the sound fill you with joy…..
Count your breaths in 5. out 5, in 4 out 4, in 3 out 3, in 2 out 2, in 1 and out 1….continue breathing deeply and fully. As Samuel brings you back to this moment. You bring back that joy with you….feel, know, see, and hear…. What is joy for you?


Tonight when you are ready for bed, ask your guardian angels to watch over you, and ask Samuel to take you on a joy filled adventure during your dreams. Remember to see, feel, hear and know the colours of the rainbow. You might like to share your dream in the morning.

If you would like to know more about Samuel, the unicorn, just ask sharonmcl.

First published Sept2015

Updated Aug2020

Please note:  Diana Cooper has just complete another book on Unicorns, bless her on her journey. YouTube video – Bless the unicorns.  Thanks to Tim Whild for the crystal connections.  Blessings be. 🙏🏼💗🙏🏼sharonmcl


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