The Divine Plan

This reflection comes about from a peer conversation on earth healing.  This is my side of the conversation, giving my views on earth healing.  “Yes I heal the earth, just as I would work with a person, clearing lines, release negative or dark areas, and fill with light, love and peace.  Just like a person, I note if a shift is necessary or indeed release, and if it can be with ease and grace.  Trust your highest guidance.✨”.

Then I found myself further reflecting: “Remember the mirco/macro theory, the inner is only a reflection of the outer, and versus versa with the earth.  Energetically we can be perceived as having similar qualities of the chakras and energy lines.  Just as we can have areas of darkness or ill health to shift, so does the earth.  Imagine you are viewing the earth from a distance, there will be places that light up, and places that need light.  As we are in the dimensional duality, permission to heal comes from co-creation, and working with the higher spiritual communities, and Planetary guides or guardians. Just as working with animals and plant life, there are higher realms to work with for permission and the highest good.  It is all very multi dimensional, and important to always do healing for the highest good, as there are layers.  Also prayers or beautification of energy is a higher way, then judging the energies.  It is evolving, just as we are.  Generally healing the earth is a calling.  It is not everyone’s calling.  My bigger picture calling, is to assist the evolution of humanity and the planet, for the highest good.”

This took me on a further reflection on the divine plan.  My initial thought was, I believe there is a divine plan, no matter what is happening around me, I believe there is a divine bigger purpose.  I was born with faith and hope.  Oh but I don’t know what the divine plan is?  Hold on, I do.  The divine plan is oneness, connectedness, knowing we are one.  However, it’s a journey, and there are layers and levels of this plan.  We come to this earth to experience individuation and the journey back to divine oneness or some may call source, or God, or whatever you perceive the highest to be.  I know ‘the what’….I don’t know the full extent of the how.  Why I don’t know the full extent, because in this dimension there is free-will and choice, and you must choose the spiritual journey freely.  Also there are many of us that are here at this time to experience the quickening, and to assist the ascension into the higher dimension.  Those that are seeking, but know not what, are experiencing, a calling.  Those that know, have moved through the awakening process.  Those that move beyond awakening, are moving into the ascension process to light and ease the way for others.

I have worked with energy since 1990.  I was and still am a pioneer.  I do the preparation work for others to fly through.  To iginte the divine spark within, for each to be all they can be.  This is not my only purpose, it is but the bigger picture.  I have observed the shifts in energies.  My spiritual journey was but a drop in the ocean of the many to be called.  Everyone that is called has chosen this journey, some may have forgot, others may have lost their way in the illusion.  There will be nudges.  There will be whispers from your angels and guardian.  You can make this journey flow so easily by listening to the whispers, to feel the nudges toward your path.  Or you can choose to experience the journey of struggle, it’s just a choice.

Connect within.  The quickening has occurred, through the awakenings of others. Know you can choose to wait, however you will experience more challenges.  If you wait you will eventually be pulled along in the current.  We will wait at the gate until you are ready.

Everyone is tested, no matter where you are in your journey.  As each test is passed, you move on from your innocence into awareness and a greater responsibility to be mindful of your thoughts, as your thoughts create.  Be mindful of what you create.

For me, prayers (working with the highest Angels, light and guides), meditation, energy work and expressing (through Journalling, writing, singing, dancing, painting, or anything creative) have been the pillars of resources to move me through my tests and earlier challenges.

Another great technique is the placemat process, which comes from Ester Hicks Abraham.  In brief and my interpretation, you simply grab a piece of paper (of course you can do this on your computer, or a placemat), draw two columns.  At the top of the first write, things I will do today, and on the second column, things I will let God do.  This technique is brillant if you are feeling overwhelmed or burdened with all your lists of things to do.  Give it a go.

I pray for you to find your highest way.  You will know your way, as it will feel uplifting, and you shall light up whenever you hear, speak, see, feel or know it.

May these words, inspire food for thought to find your way.  Written May 2015


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