Possible ways to move beyond physical pain

Pain can be present for many reasons. Acute pain is normally short term sharp and exact, you normally know why it has been triggered. i.e. Birthing pain, surgery, injury or illness. Chronic pain however can be long term, move through a variety of sensations and be evasive. It can be from known and unknown sources.  Your brain interpreters the messages of pain that come from your nerves. Each person will have their own level of pain threshold. Sharonmcl believes the function of pain in the body is to assist us in our own healing process, to ensure that body receives the care it needs, which will vary from person to person, and circumstance to circumstance.

Taking control of your pain, is about you making choices. Knowing when to seek help, and the ‘right’ help for you, which ranges from natural methods, your doctor, psychologist, yoga teacher, coach, etc. Note when your pain occurs, the intensity and what makes it better and what makes it worst, and how it effects your emotions, thoughts and your sleep. Manage your stress and triggers, and have a support system.  What are you willing to do? What are your goals? Are they specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and trackable.

If you choose medications, then be fully informed of benefits and side effect. e.g. some strong pain medications have the side effect; such as, causing constipation. Know if a medication can become addictive long term. Ask questions from your chemist, and your doctor. Let your doctor know if you are having any adverse symptoms from the medication. You are in the drivers seat. Listen to your body and know what is helpful and what creates other problems.

There are many natural methods that can assist while you work with medical professionals to find a cause.  Of course, everything is free will and choice, and always consult your medical professional to ensure that any natural assistance will not interfere or be harmful in your case.  Sharonmcl has had referrals from doctors to teach meditation to their clients to assist with pain management.

Sharonmcl worked with many clients over 22yrs with remedial therapy and observed if a pain was caused by physical means it needed to shift physically. However if the pain was not from a physical mean, then it had an emotional, mental or spiritual link, and needed to shift from that level.

Many believe that healing is about being whole and perfect. This is not always the case. Sharonmcl’s personal journey has lead her through many painful healing lessons on all levels. She has found as she notes the root lesson, she finds peace.  Knowing if there is pain, it is just a lesson, and thus will soon pass once learnt.

Some natural methods that sharonmcl have found helpful while moving through pain:

– Know yourself. What is your normal? If it’s not normal seek professional assistance. None of these methods are never a replacement, however are complementary to whatever professional assistance you seek.
– Know what is your pain threshold. If you rate your pain or discomfort from 0-10 what would it be. No two people will have the same rating for the same pain, some have higher thresholds, some have lower.
– Check your breathing. Practice different breathing techniques.
– Try meditation or relaxation.
– Try movement, sometimes very gentle flexes can assist; or self-massage, sometimes talking to your body as you gentle massage a knot can assist relief
– Look at your food and drink choices, to see if they are supporting you or adding to any concern.
– Mix it up, what haven’t you tried, Pray to your angels and guides for assistance? Have you tried energy work?
– May be ‘surrender’ is a key for you. Loving yourself exactly where you are now.
– May be focussing on an area that is ‘pain free’ is a key. Many believe energy flows where your attention goes.
– or Mix it up again, if it was a lesson what would it be?

‘Effectiveness is the truth of measure.’  If it works for you, and assist you with no adverse effects, then use it.  Know your body. Know when it is assisting and not adding other problems.

If sharonmcl can assist you to find your way, just ask.

Originally written in 2014, and still true today in 2021.  Lessons in your life are a ‘truth of measure’.  Know what is yours.  Know what is ‘right’ in the moment for you, and yours.  Today the words that shift me are “alchemise it!”



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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.