Motivational interviewing

What is motivational interviewing?  A way of assisting a client through their change process through engaging, focussing, evoking and assisting in their planning.  Getting a client to voice, what they really want and what they are willing to do, is always the beginning platform for any change process.

In coaching this techinque can assist.  In engaging the client, a coach discovers where the client is within the change cycle.  In assisting the focus, the coach can assist the client to be aware of what they really want, then evoking brings what they are willing to do, and then within the clients choice planning becomes the how.

I have also used this approach for clients to be aware of their career choices and opportunities.

How can you use this yourself?  Ask yourself honestly, how committed are you to change? do you have no wish to change, are you thinking about it, are you ready now, have you started, are you well into change, or have you fallen off the cycle and are about to start again?

1.  Honestly know yourself.  Where are you? What is blocking you?

2.  What do you really want?

3.  What are you willing to do?

4.  How are you, going to make it happen?

Sit and be still, take a breath, release any blocks with your breath.  Inhale bring to you, what you really want, and exhale let go of what you don’t want.  Inhale what you are willing to do, exhale let go of what you are not willing to do.  Inhale the how, and exhale any doubt.  Inhale your potential,  exhale all else.  Feel uplifted, and free.

Be your highest potential.

Motivational Quotes:

If you treat an individual as she is, she will stay as she is, but if you treat her as if she were what she ought to be and could be, she will become what she ought to be and could be. -Goethe

“We believe that each person possesses a powerful potential for change. The counselor’s task is to release that potential and to facilitate the natural change processes that are already inherent in the individual” (Miller & Rollnick, 2002, p. 41).

“People possess substantial personal expertise and wisdom regarding themselves and tend to develop in a positive direction if given proper conditions of support” (Miller & Moyers, 2006, p. 5).


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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.