Hormones at play

Puberty, PMS, Pregnancy and Menopause hormones are at play.  The endocrine system relates to the chakras, as each energy centre relates to an endocrine gland.  Hormones are just messengers that bind with receptor sites and triggering events to create balance or dysfunction.

The major hormones that come out to play:  Estrogen, Progesterone, Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine, Cortisol, and Testosterone.

Stress is a contributing factor to hormone imbalance, as the adrenal gland steals progesterone to make cortisol.  When under constant stress, the adrendals will create an over supply of cortisol, and drain the progesterone supplies, which in menopause leads to hot flashes, night sweats, and loss of libido.  Is it any wonder that the adrenals can be exhausted which creates symtoms of fatigue, muscle weakness, low blood pressure, low metabolism, excess pigmentation, allergies, asthma, difficult resistance, depression, absent mindedness, low libidio, and combined constipation/diarrhoea.

One of the natural ways to balance your hormones, is through balancing your chakrasMeditation is key to balance of your hormones, as it gives the mind, body and spirit opportunity to de-grab, de-stress and reconnect to the higher self.  Nutrition and exercise can be important to balance Hormones.

Stress Management is an important factor for menopausal women, and equally important for all ages and sexes, health and well-being.  PTSD is an extreme version of stress via a trauma from your past.

For understanding Hormones further Reference:  Jean Hailes Foundation; Better Health Channel

Originally written 2015


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