Part2 Energy Techniques or Therapies

Other Energy or Healing Techniques that supports energy work.  These are some examples of techniques used by sharonmcl in individual training, coaching or connecting sessions.

Prayers can support any energy healing, always for the highest good only.  Radiance of the whole of a healers field can assist in the energy work, however can only be achieved with conscious awareness, and generally occurs after much practice.  Unbending intent in another technique used by advanced healers to assist in energy work.

You have spirit guides, ascendant master, angels, archangels, elemental and or crystalline beings that may work with you during any energy work.  Angels are wonderful assistance to healing techniques.

Energy Work sessions with sharonmcl can be a combination of energy techniques.  It will depends what is needed, and what the client is willing to receive or let go.  If removal of cords, attachments or negative energies is required, it generally occurs prior to a chakra healing and balance, or prior to a chelation.  Sometimes a part of clearing, doshas – vata, pitta, kapha may arise for balance, and characterology assist to release defence states.

Chelation is energy work which generally starts with energy from the feet up to balance and recharge through the chakras.  The only time this may change is with a heart condition, and then the energies begins from the head down.  It can include spinal healing, where energy is moved up the spine to clear and heal.  It may include brain clearing, where energy assists to overcome obstacles of the mind.  It may include template work on levels 5/7/9 or angelic healing on level 6 or past clearing on level 8 to activate the golden egg.

Sounding and breath work can spontaneously be a part of the energy healing work. Both can shift the individual and the healer to a higher vibration. SoundPlaysharonmcl was birthed after the publishing of her book “Wounded to Wow – a path to oneness” Parts1-4.

A Hara Line aligns an individual to their purpose on earth.  Sometimes healing needs to occur so that the hara line can be clear and charged.

The Core Star can only be activated in an individual when their energy is charged, balanced and aligned, and the hara line has been activated.  The purpose of the core star, is for the individual to shine their light.

Inner child work can occur at anytime during the energy healing process.  Depending on the depth of the healing required, how many times this may occur.  Often a ascendant master such as Mother Mary may be present for this type of healing.

Coaching with energy work can often assist to shift repeated patterns.  Often self-forgiveness, letting go can be a part of the journey. Family patterns may arise to be released.  The handbook for any sessions is her book “Wounded to Wow – a path to oneness’ Parts1-4

The book of life only arises when an individual is ready, and energetically able to connect to the eight chakra and beyond. The book of life gives an overview of this, and past lives, only what you can consciously handle will be offered.

The microcosmic orbit that assist the flow of energy up the back and down the front, can be used to shift energy, by imagining your concern as thought it is on a Ferris wheel, and the continued flow shifts it.   A more shamanic technique is the sweeping breath, that can move into advanced recapitulation that can release any energies that aren’t yours, returning to sender, while reclaiming your own energies.

Further techniques are apart of sharonmcl NEW online sessions/workshops/retreats – The next stage – ‘The Probability of Wow – Living in Oneness”.  These sessions are on-going and evolving Parts 5-9.

Other Resources: Part1; Energy Work Sessions with sharonmcl


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This site is not a replacement for medical treatment or legal assistance. It offers information, reflections as “food for thought”, services and tools to be considered for inspiration and used by your own free-will and choice.