Constructive criticism

What is constructive criticism?  When comments to a person or group are objective (based on facts) to add improvement.  It can be challenging to receive, as it will always be about areas to improve.  If a person or group, thought they were doing well, to receive criticism, even constructive, can feel hurtful.

When we take it personally, the word constructive seems to disappear, and we are left with the word criticism.  It can also be how the comments are delivered.  If delivered subjectively, (based on personal opinions) it can come from judgment.  If delivered unexpectedly, it can take a person/group by surprise.

Compassion and discernment in delivery can assist.  The positive sandwich can be effective when delivery of constructive crictism is necessary.  Find a positive area and mentioned that first, then deliver the constructive cricitism with compassion, and finish with a positive statement.

As an employer, coach or trainer, the positive sandwich is often used.  It provides a buffer, and allow the individual or group to be willing to receive continuous improvement.  Continous improvement allows the individual or group to evolve, grow and become the best it can be.

Self-evaluation can be found through identifying your strengths, challenges, opportunities and risks.  Knowing all that you are.  However, it is common for everyone to have a scotoma (a blind spot).  It can be helpful to receive an evaluation from a new perspective to locate that blind spot.

How can you know if the evaluation is objective or subjective?  When objective, no matter what the cricitism, you will be able to note the connection to facts.  When subjective, there will be no connection to facts, and will be based on a personal opinion.  It is easy to deal with the objective.  How do you deal with the subjective?  What part of this cricitism is constructive for me/us?  Will this improvement add value?  What was the energy behind the words?  What was the lesson?

Slow it down, and take the time to process.  Let go of what has no value for you, and be all that you can be.


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